Melanie Invites You To Griffin's Place Summer Kick Off!
As one of the founding members of Griffin’s Place, an organization dedicated to getting individuals with developmental disabilities more engaged with their community, Melanie Marmion would like to invite you to the Summer Kick Off! It’s time to whip up your favorite BBQ dishes, break out the sunscreen, and get ready to start the summer off right! Join Griffin's Place annual SUMMER KICK OFF!

*POT LUCK- Enjoy the BBQ classics as we share our favorite dishes (please bring 1 main dish per participant)
*Create unique custom designed Tie Dye T-shirts
*Paint and spread love rocks
*Play lawn games
*Explore nature on a scavenger hunt
Ages 14+ FREE to participate-donations accepted at event Sign up here! Saturday, June 22, 2019 11:00 AM 1:00 PM Orenco Woods Nature Park- Large covered shelter area 7100 Northeast Birch Street, Hillsboro, OR, 97124 United States