What is the Right Way to Add a Trusted Person to Your Bank Account?
“Should I add a family member or trusted friend to my bank account?” Providing someone with the authority to access your account means...

If You Haven’t Been Regularly Reviewing Your Estate Plan, Start When You Hit 60
How frequently you should review your estate plan depends on how old you are and whether there has been a significant change in your...

Listen to Melanie Marmion's interview with "Your Best Financial Life".
Melanie Marmion was interviewed by "Your Best Financial Life" on the The Most Commonly Misunderstood Aspects of Implementing a Will. ...

Melanie Marmion gives webcast presentation
Melanie Marmion gave a nationally-broadcast webcast presentation on “Naming a Special Needs Trust as the Beneficiary of a Retirement...

Revoking a Power of Attorney
If for any reason, you become unhappy with the person you have appointed to make decisions for you under a durable power of attorney, you...